What You Need to Know Before Visiting the Zombie Road in Missouri
The Zombie Road: A Haunted Highway in Missouri
If you are looking for a thrill, you might want to visit one of the most haunted places in America: the Zombie Road. This is a stretch of old railroad tracks that runs along the Meramec River in Wildwood, Missouri. It has been the site of many paranormal sightings, mysterious deaths, and creepy legends. In this article, we will explore the history, the ghosts, the activity, and the dangers of this spooky road. Are you ready to take a ride on the Zombie Road?
The Zombie Road
The History of the Zombie Road
The Zombie Road has a long and dark history that dates back to before it was even a road. It was originally a trail used by Native Americans for hunting, trading, and traveling. Later, it became a route for settlers, explorers, outlaws, and soldiers. During the Civil War, it was a strategic location for both sides, as it connected St. Louis with other parts of Missouri. It also witnessed several skirmishes and massacres.
In the late 1800s, a railroad company built tracks along the trail, making it easier to transport goods and people. However, this also brought more accidents and tragedies, as trains collided with each other or with people or animals on the tracks. Some of these incidents were fatal, leaving behind ghosts that still haunt the road today.
In the 1900s, the road became a popular spot for locals to hang out, party, or go for a hike. It also attracted thrill-seekers who wanted to experience its supernatural reputation. However, this also led to more violence and crime, as some people were attacked, robbed, raped, or killed on the road. Some of these crimes were committed by a notorious serial killer who used the road as his hunting ground.
Today, the road is closed to vehicles and is part of the Rock Hollow Trail, a recreational area for bikers and hikers. However, it is still open to pedestrians at night, and many people still visit it to look for ghosts or test their courage. The road has also been featured in several books, documentaries, and TV shows, such as Ghost Adventures and Paranormal Witness.
The Ghosts of the Zombie Road
One of the main reasons why the Zombie Road is so famous is because of its many ghosts. There are dozens of spirits that are said to haunt the road, each with their own story and personality. Some of them are friendly and harmless, while others are hostile and dangerous. Here are some of the most well-known ghosts of the Zombie Road:
The Native American Chief
This is one of the oldest and most respected ghosts of the road. He is believed to be the chief of a tribe that lived in the area before the settlers arrived. He was killed by a rival tribe or by soldiers during a battle, and his body was thrown into the river. He now appears on the road as a tall and muscular man with long black hair and feathers. He wears a leather vest and pants, and carries a tomahawk. He is usually seen near the river or the bridge, where he guards his territory and his people. He is not aggressive, but he does not like trespassers or troublemakers. He will stare at them or make noises to scare them away. Some people have reported feeling his presence or hearing his voice in their minds.
The Runaway Slave
This is another old and tragic ghost of the road. He is believed to be a slave who escaped from his plantation in the south and made his way north along the trail. He was hoping to find freedom and safety, but he was caught by slave hunters or by locals who did not like him. He was tortured, lynched, and burned on the road, and his ashes were scattered in the woods. He now appears on the road as a young and skinny man with dark skin and curly hair. He wears ragged clothes and chains around his wrists and ankles. He is usually seen near the woods or the fields, where he hides from his pursuers or looks for help. He is very shy and timid, but he can also be friendly and grateful. He will sometimes approach people or touch them gently, hoping for some kindness or compassion.
The Serial Killer
This is one of the most feared and hated ghosts of the road. He is believed to be a serial killer who operated in the area in the 1940s and 1950s. He was a psychopath who preyed on young women who visited the road for fun or romance. He would lure them into his car or into the woods, where he would rape them, strangle them, and mutilate them. He would then dump their bodies on the road or in the river. He was never caught or identified, but he died in a car crash or a fire on the road. He now appears on the road as a middle-aged and handsome man with blond hair and blue eyes. He wears a suit and a hat, and drives a vintage car. He is usually seen near the parking lot or the entrance, where he tries to charm or trick people into joining him. He is very cunning and persuasive, but he can also be violent and cruel. He will sometimes attack people or drag them into his car or into the woods.
The Lost Children
These are some of the most sad and innocent ghosts of the road. They are believed to be children who got lost or died on the road for various reasons. Some of them were playing on the tracks when they were hit by a train. Some of them were hiking in the woods when they fell off a cliff or drowned in the river. Some of them were camping with their friends when they were attacked by animals or by strangers. Some of them were kidnapped by the serial killer or by other criminals who used the road as their hideout. They now appear on the road as children of different ages, genders, races, and appearances. They wear clothes from different eras, depending on when they died. They are usually seen near the tracks or the river, where they play or look for their parents. They are very curious and playful, but they can also be scared and lonely. They will sometimes interact with people or ask them for help.
The Paranormal Activity on the Zombie Road
The Paranormal Activity on the Zombie Road
Another reason why the Zombie Road is so famous is because of its many paranormal phenomena. There are various types of activity that people have witnessed or experienced on the road, ranging from mild to intense. Some of these phenomena are related to the ghosts, while others are more mysterious and unexplained. Here are some of the most common paranormal phenomena on the Zombie Road:
The Mysterious Lights
One of the most frequent and visible phenomena on the road are the mysterious lights that appear in different shapes, colors, and sizes. Some of them look like orbs, flashes, or streaks of light that float or fly in the air. Some of them look like lanterns, candles, or headlights that shine or flicker on the ground. Some of them look like eyes, faces, or figures that glow or stare in the dark. These lights are usually seen near the river, the bridge, or the woods, where they move or change direction randomly. Some people believe that these lights are manifestations of the ghosts or their energy. Others believe that these lights are natural phenomena caused by reflections, insects, or gases.
The Eerie Sounds
Another common and audible phenomenon on the road are the eerie sounds that come from different sources and directions. Some of them sound like voices, whispers, or screams that speak or shout in different languages or tones. Some of them sound like music, laughter, or crying that play or echo in different rhythms or volumes. Some of them sound like footsteps, knocks, or bangs that walk or hit in different patterns or intensities. These sounds are usually heard near the tracks, the fields, or the parking lot, where they vary or repeat randomly. Some people believe that these sounds are communications from the ghosts or their emotions. Others believe that these sounds are natural phenomena caused by animals, wind, or water.
The Cold Spots
Another frequent and tangible phenomenon on the road are the cold spots that occur in different locations and durations. Some of them feel like drafts, breezes, or gusts of cold air that blow or swirl around people. Some of them feel like patches, zones, or areas of cold temperature that surround or envelop people. Some of them feel like touches, taps, or grabs of cold hands that touch or hold people. These cold spots are usually felt near the woods, the fields, or the entrance, where they come and go randomly. Some people believe that these cold spots are signs of the ghosts or their presence. Others believe that these cold spots are natural phenomena caused by shadows, humidity, or elevation.
The Phantom Vehicles
Another rare and scary phenomenon on the road are the phantom vehicles that appear and disappear in different ways and times. Some of them look like trains, cars, or bikes that drive or ride on the tracks or on the road. Some of them look like wagons, carts, or horses that pull or carry people or goods on the trail or on the road. Some of them look like boats, rafts, or canoes that float or sail on the river or under the bridge. These phantom vehicles are usually seen near the tracks, the road, or the river, where they speed up or slow down randomly. Some people believe that these phantom vehicles are remnants of the past or their accidents. Others believe that these phantom vehicles are optical illusions caused by lights, fog, or dust.
The Dangers of the Zombie Road
As you can see, the Zombie Road is not a place for the faint-hearted. It is a place full of risks and challenges that can harm you physically, mentally, emotionally, or legally. If you decide to visit this road, you need to be aware of these dangers and prepare yourself accordingly. Here are some of the dangers that you might face on the Zombie Road:
The Legal Issues
One of the first and foremost dangers that you need to consider is the legal issues regarding this road. The Zombie Road is private property owned by St. Louis County Parks and Recreation Department. It is closed to vehicles and is only open to pedestrians from dawn to dusk. It is also part of a conservation area that protects wildlife and plants. Therefore, if you visit this road at night without permission or cause any damage to its environment, you might face fines, arrests, or lawsuits from the authorities.
The Physical Hazards
Another obvious and serious danger that you need to consider is the physical hazards that you might encounter on this road. The Zombie Road is a rough and rugged terrain that has many natural and man-made obstacles. It has steep hills, sharp curves, narrow bridges, and slippery rocks. It has broken tracks, rusty nails, fallen trees, and trash. It has wild animals, poisonous plants, and insects. Therefore, if you visit this road without proper equipment or precautions, you might suffer injuries, infections, or attacks from these hazards.
The Psychological Effects
Another subtle and lasting danger that you need to consider is the psychological effects that you might experience on this road. The Zombie Road is a stressful and traumatic place that can affect your mind and emotions. It can trigger fear, anxiety, paranoia, or depression. It can cause hallucinations, nightmares, or flashbacks. It can influence your beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors. Therefore, if you visit this road without proper support or coping skills, you might develop mental disorders, phobias, or addictions from these effects.
The Future of the Zombie Road
The Zombie Road is a place that has a rich and complex past, a controversial and uncertain present, and a hopeful and promising future. It is a place that has many stakeholders and interests involved in its preservation or development. It is a place that has many plans and proposals for its future use and value. Here are some of the plans and proposals for the future of the Zombie Road:
The Preservation Efforts
One of the plans for the future of the Zombie Road is to preserve it as it is and protect its history and culture. There are several initiatives and organizations that support this plan and work towards this goal. For example, there is the Friends of Zombie Road, a group of volunteers who clean up and maintain the road and its surroundings. There is also the Missouri Paranormal Research Society, a group of investigators who document and study the paranormal activity on the road and its causes. There is also the Zombie Road Museum, a project that aims to collect and display artifacts and stories related to the road and its ghosts.
The Development Projects
Another plan for the future of the Zombie Road is to develop it into something new and improve its facilities and services. There are several ideas and schemes that support this plan and work towards this goal. For example, there is the Zombie Road Trail Extension, a project that aims to extend the trail from Glencoe to Eureka and connect it with other trails in the area. There is also the Zombie Road Park, a project that aims to create a park with amenities such as playgrounds, picnic areas, restrooms, and parking lots. There is also the Zombie Road Haunted Attraction, a project that aims to turn the road into a haunted attraction with actors, props, effects, and tours.
The Zombie Road is more than just a road. It is a place with a story to tell and a lesson to teach. It is a place where history meets mystery, where reality meets fantasy, where life meets death. It is a place that challenges us to face our fears and explore our curiosity. It is a place that invites us to respect its past and shape its future.
If you are interested in visiting the Zombie Road, you can find more information on its website or social media pages. You can also contact its owners or managers for permission or guidance. However, remember to be careful and respectful when you visit this road. You never know what you might see or hear on the Zombie Road.
Here are some of the frequently asked questions about the Zombie Road:
Where is the Zombie Road located?
The Zombie Road is located in Wildwood, Missouri, about 30 miles west of St. Louis. It runs along the Meramec River between Glencoe and Sherman.
How long is the Zombie Road?
The Zombie Road is about 2 miles long from end to end. However, it used to be longer before some parts of it were paved over or demolished.
Why is it called the Zombie Road?
There are different theories about how it got its name. Some say it was because of the zombies or ghosts that haunt it. Some say it was because of the people who looked like zombies after spending a night on it. Some say it was because of the nickname of one of its residents who was called Zombie.
When is the best time to visit the Zombie Road?
When is the best time to visit the Zombie Road?
The best time to visit the Zombie Road depends on what you are looking for. If you are looking for paranormal activity, you might want to visit it at night when it is dark and quiet. If you are looking for recreation or education, you might want to visit it during the day when it is bright and safe.
How can I get to the Zombie Road?
You can get to the Zombie Road by car, bike, or foot. If you are driving, you can park at the Al Foster Trailhead in Glencoe or at the Sherman Beach Park in Sherman. If you are biking or walking, you can follow the Rock Hollow Trail that connects with the Zombie Road.